Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the vampire deer

venus and diamond and mom                                                                   1;45 6/20/2012

the vampire deer they haunting for dad and santh claus then they check the cub and dad and santh claus and they was at hame and it was woore lil one vs ms.hall and thclaus vs 10 deer and dad vs mom and venus vs 2.deer lil one and bubity and dior and shaba vs all of the deer and her coms abraham lincoln and the deer coms kick and everyvedy and the deer and abraham lincoln kill everyvedy and they was 1 and they went
homes to celebate and they run out to the nonth to kill santh clans and fhey kill dady the cat and doban fish
and donkey an goat and cow an duck an goose an house and rabbit  an they was rich and they got 100, 200,300,400,500,600 ,700,800.900. buy a diet coke an school and buy whet homes
looney tunes and skirt an shoe and sock and pants store and they buy watenmelon the end
                                                     and mess was a vampire deer

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